Stressed out? Breathe.
Being an international student and juggling a full time job (or multiple part time jobs) and your studies is bound to be a stressful experience in your life. I know it is to me. In the past months I have experienced many of the most common stress symptoms, such as back and neck pain, accelerated thinking, irritability and difficulty concentrating. So in addition to seeking professional help, I found out about a natural coping mechanism that all of us can use in our daily lives, not only during stressful times but as part of a wellness routine - I’m talking about breathing exercises. The first time someone suggested that I should take breathing classes, I laughed at them. “Why would I pay someone to teach me how to do something I’ve been doing since the day I was born?” It turns out they were right - most people, myself included, usually breathe by inflating their chests, when the correct way of breathing is by expanding our belly. The so-called diaphragmatic breathing consists of ...